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Colleen Rodell
K-8 Administrative Assistant
(920) 269-4396 ext 101
Sarah Sarazin
7th Grade English
Middle School
920-269-4396 ext 217
Lyndsy Schiegg
Middle School
920-269-4396 ext 149
Lisa Schraufnagel
CD Para-Educator
Middle School
Shawn Schraufnagel
Cross-Categorical Special Education Instructor
Middle School
920-269-4396 ext 188
Mallory Lindert
Physical Education
Middle School
920-269-4396 ext 187
Sam Tschimperle
K7 School Counselor
Middle School
(920) 269-4396 ext 113
Kyle Twohig
Assistant Principal/Athletic Director
(920) 269-4396 ext 102
Tyler Witkowski
Phy Ed / Adaptive Phy Ed
Middle School
920-269-4396 ext 166
Breanna Zdroik
Middle School
920-269-4396 ext 159
Tim Zedler
Special Ed
Middle School
920-269-4396 ext 132