Use the search field above to filter by staff name.
Elizabeth Bauer
High School
920-269-4396 ext 153
Dawn Biffert
High School
Tracy Dworak
High School
920-269-4396 ext 224
Stacey Clark
High School Social Studies
High School
920-269-4396 ext 150
Patrick Davis
High School English
High School
(920) 269-4396 ext 168
Nicole Feucht
Business & Information Technology
High School
920-269-4026 ext 147
Kris Garriety
Study Center
High School
Sharon Gazzola
High School Science
High School
920-269-4396 ext 164
Leslie Gruenberger
High School Administrative Assistant
High School
(920) 269-4396 ext 108
Traci Hanke
Substitute Teacher
High School
Bridgette Jacak
Special Ed Teacher
High School
(920) 269-4396 ext 128
Josh James
Social Studies
High School
920-269-4396 ext 169
Deb Janke
HS Principal
High School
920-269-4396 ext 109
Mike Johnson
(920) 269-4396 ext 112
Nancy Jordan
High School
Kayla Koepp
Middle/High School Art
High School
920-269-4396 ext 142
Sid Lehman
Business/Social Studies
High School
(920) 269-4396 ext 146
Jenny Milosch
High School Science
High School
(920) 26-4396 ext 163
Stephen Murphy
High School Math
(920) 269-4396 ext 141
Shane Obrigewitch
High School
920-269-4396 ext 162